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How to Handle Peer Pressure


First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. (Mahatma Gandhi)

“The single major factor influencing these poor decisions was negative peer pressure.” (Sharon Scott, nationally recognized counselor)

1. The ________ of Peer Pressure

When ___________ Doing It

"The Three Lines Test"

Card #1

Line A: ______________

Line B: ______

Line C: ___________


Card #2

Line A: _____

Line B: _______________

Line C: ____________


Card #3

Line A: ____________

Line B: __________

Line C: _____


________ We Face Peer Pressure

When the Pressure Gets __________

"A Shocking Experiment"

Conclusion: Going Against the _______       

He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice. (Albert Einstein)

Step #1 - Think Through Your _______________________.

Step #2 - Practice How to Say ______.
