In Search of the Perfect Mate (Part 1)
Dating Series, Part 8


Game: "The Mystery Bag"

I. Look For Character

A. Write a Profile of Your Dream-mate.

My Dream Mate

Characteristic #1
Characteristic #2

Important Traits (From noted Marriage Counselor Norman Wright)

Trait #1:  Adaptability and Flexibility (the ability to adjust to change, accept differences)

Trait #2: Empathy (sensitive to the needs and hurts of others)

Trait #3: Ability to Work Through Problems

Trait #4: Ability to Give and Receive Love

Trait #5: Emotional Stability (accepts and controls emotions, expressing them without tearing down the partner)

Trait #6: Ability to Communicate (talking freely, communicating feelings, keeping the communication lines open)

Trait #7: Commitment (willing to share the adventure of life and work through the inevitable difficulties.)

Other Important Traits

Trait #8: Selflessness, the desire to put others' needs before their own. 

Trait #9: Doesn't Love Money. One study found that over half of U.S. divorces came about primarily because of money.

Trait #10: Ability to Forgive.

Trait #11: Not Contentious. 

Trait #12: Wisdom.

Trait #13: Spiritual Compatibility.

B. Learn to Discern Character.

1. Notice how he treats his family and other acquaintances.

2. Don't fall into the monotony of simply watching movies and watching TV on dates.

3. Notice who his close friends are.

Reality Check (for those currently dating)

C. Take a Look at Yourself.

Are you the kind of person whom your dream mate would want to marry if he/she met you?

Even more important than choosing the right person is being the right person.