In Search of the Perfect Mate (Part 2)
Dating Series, Part 9


II. Find a Healthy Relationship

A. Are Your Personalities and Needs Compatible?

    "Complementary Needs Versus Conflicting Needs"

B. Do You Have Some Common Interests?

C. Do You Have Similar Financial Goals and Expectations?

D. Do You Agree on the Basic Roles of a Husband and Wife?

E. How Does the Relationship Feel?

III. Consider Your Feelings

A. Am I Emotionally Attracted to ("In Love with") Him/Her?
B. Am I Physically Attracted?

IV. Before You Pop the Big Question...

A. Get Wise Counsel

1. Family. Your parents know some aspects of you better than anyone else.
2. Friends. If you and the person you date have mutual friends, these people may see an angle on the relationship that you can't see.
3. Other Wise People. Pastors, priests and professional counselors often work with troubled marriages.
4. Good Books. Why not read what some experts on courtship and marriage say about the subject?

B. Make Sure of Your Timing.

    "Seventy two percent of American women who marry between 14 and 17 get divorced."

C. Check Your Motives.