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Follow the Character!
Today’s Trait: Work Hard
(Third Grade)
(This could be made into a series for several traits.)


Before class, hide a bag of Hershey’s Kisses (or an appropriate treat) somewhere in the room. If they have a hard time finding it, develop some clues to lead them. (Option: You could hide a series of clues from the beginning, the first leading you to the next, until you find the Kisses.)


This year, we want to develop character traits, like kindness and fairness and working hard.

·         Why is it important to be kind? 

·         Why is it important to be fair?  

So you’re saying that character’s important! Occasionally, to remind us to of the importance of character, we’ll play a game called “Follow the Character!” Here’s how it goes…

1 – During the week, I watch your character and notice who is being especially polite and patient and kind and works hard. Then I choose the one I feel has done the best and call him or her up to be the “Character.” Tim, you’ve been very good this week. I saw you (tell specifics – throw your trash away, help Sarah with her papers). Today, you can be our “Character.”

2 – Today, Tim, you’ll lead us in our search for character. Character is like a treasure. When we find it and put it into our lives, it makes us better, happier people. Tim, here are the clues that will help you lead the class to character.

·         First, lead the class around the room to get them used to following character. 

·         Now, read the character clue (Teacher: Whisper to Tim to make sure he can read all the words. He can ask you to read it if he’s more comfortable having someone else read aloud.)  

“Character Clue: This search will take hard work. But we must find a bag of  candy hidden in this room. If anyone pushes or shoves, he or she can’t win.”

(When found, let Tim hands out a piece of candy to each student.)


Thanks, Tim, for leading us to find character.

Class, let’s discuss the character we’re pursuing today: hard work.

·         What are some things you work hard at? (Piano practice, homework, helping with chores at home, exercising, learning a sport.)

·         Why is it important to work hard?

·         How can we learn to work harder? (Come up with some ideas here. Work with a friend. Have others remind us. Give ourselves rewards when we complete a task, etc.)

·         What’s one area you want to work hard at today and this week?

Write up on the board, “Follow the Character: Work Hard!” to remind students all day (or week) of the character trait you’re working on.

Let’s all thank Tim for leading us to “Follow the Character!” (All clap.)