Dating, Waiting, and Choosing a Mate
Session 2
Enduring Enjoying Singleness


    How can discontent with the single life lead to problems in dating?

Desperate Daters Risk Making a Poor Choice.

Desperate Daters Risk Missing Out on Life Now.

How to Avoid  "Desperate Daters' Syndrome"...

I.  Reflect on the Benefits of Singleness

Brainstorm!  "The Benefits of Singleness" 

II. Learn the Secret of Contentment

"Marriage is like a besieged fortress: those on the outside want in and those on the inside desperately want out."

The great thinker Socrates was once asked, "Who is the wealthiest?" He replied, "He that is content with the least, for contentment is nature's wealth."  

Finding contentment helps us:

"I'd rather be single, wishing I were married, than married, wishing I were single." 


Activity: Who's the Most Thankful? 

“The biggest lesson I learned from that experience was that if you have all the fresh water you want to drink and all the food you want to eat, you ought never to complain about anything.” (Eddie Rickenbacker, WWI pilot who lived in a raft for 21 days, lost in the Pacific Ocean)