Using the "Hand Plan"
(Note: Although this plan is
copyrighted, you may use it in teaching as long as you give credit to J.
Steve Miller and Legacy Educational Resources. If you use it in a handout
or Website, please write: "Copyright July, 2007 by J. Steve Miller
and Legacy Educational Resources ." Not for resale without permission.)
After writing the first draft
of my money management book, some readers recommended that I distill it
into a simple, memorable plan, an elevator speech that I could pass on in
less than two minutes. So how do you sum up over 200 pages of intensely
researched information?
It came to me all at once one
morning, as I sketched out the "hand plan." (I can't take credit
for being the first to use the hand for a "handy" mnemonic
device. I first came across it in religious literature to teach the
doctrine of soteriology.) The secrets to financial success have been
with you all along, on your hand! I believe every principle of finance
I teach could be categorized under each of these six points. Amazingly,
the order of principles from thumb to pinky and handshake
flows beautifully!