Illustrations, Intercom Insights, Games, etc.
- Honesty lesson on planning a scam to show how deceptions get out of hand.
(In members area.)
- Honesty lesson recreating the pressures that led to the Enron scandal.
(In members area.)
- How can a history
lesson on the American Revolution, whether you side with the British or
the revolutionaries, teach us about the value of continual education?
- A year ago, quarterback Alex Smith of the 49ers was booed by his fans,
perhaps worse than any player ever. This year he led his team to the
playoffs. What can we learn about
resilience from Alex Smith?
- Steve Wozniak wins by tolerating Steve Jobs.
- Super Bowl Quarterbacks
Peyton Manning
and Drew Brees Show Character.
- Inspiring video clips on actor Will
Smith describing his incredible work ethic.
- The Beatles are in the news because of the new music video game: Beatles
Rock Band. We read a respected Beatles Biography and used
their story as an example of how to face
criticism and overcome poverty.
- We recently wrote a set of lessons and hints to help prevent truancy.
- With the Patriots doing so well, we thought we should take
another look at their head coach, Bill
Belichick, this time from the perspective of perseverance. Also, we did
a long insight on quarterback Tom Brady, showing his
initiative, diligence and loyalty.
- We're working on an entire section on personal finance at . Includes book reviews, teaching hints, etc.
- Narnia Walks Out of World Trade Talks
(Need for Geography and Learning)
- Activity for second grade on Honesty
- Rosa Parks Story Under Courage, etc.
- Quotes from Famous Dyslexics
- Lessons from Dr. Phil's
- Lessons from George
Lucas and Star Wars.
- Lessons from the life of Bill Bellichick, the
super-successful coach of the New England Patriots, winners of this year's
Superbowl. Click HERE.
- Four new intercom insights for
"Patience" and over 60 quotes.
- Six brand new skits for a 5th-6th grade class (find
under traits: respect, kindness, civility, honesty, courage, gratitude,
New Illustrations, Quotes, Activities
This month we put up 50 new resources!
Spiderman is All About Character!
Don't miss this movie! There are so many
springboards for discussions with your children and students! Click through HERE to a page of insights and discussion starters from the movie.
Up Close and Personal
Community leader Howard Lincoln heard of a local
Bosnian refugee. He found out her plight - family members killed in the
war, forced to leave her homeland behind, arriving in America with nothing,
living here in poverty. After interviewing her in his high school class, the
students were so moved that during the coming weeks they initiated taking up a
collection and bought her a sizable gift certificate.
There's a principle here. We see so much
suffering on the news and in documentaries that we become immune to it all. We
need to see it up close to "humanize" it - to be shocked into
realizing that the poor and destitute are real people, often hard workers who
have been dealt a difficult hand of cards in life. And they're not just on the
other side of the globe; they're in our communities!
When You're Hurting, Help Others!
Bill had been an alcoholic for about twenty
years. His addiction had ruined his life to such an extent that he was close to
being committed to an asylum. After being alcohol free for months, he found
himself out of town on a business trip, alone, and being drawn to the laughter
in the hotel bar. What could he do?
It occurred to him that what helped him stay
sober in his hometown was helping other alcoholics. In helping others, he was
helped. By keeping others away from alcohol, he was enabled to stay away.
So he found the nearest phone and called a local
minister, hoping that he might know some alcoholics. He called nine people
without finding anyone. The bar was still tempting him. He was feeling
desperate, but he desperately wanted to stay sober. So back to the phone.
Finally, he struck gold -- a long-term alcoholic named Bob. Bill went to visit
him for supper at 5:00 PM and struck up a conversation that lasted till
Why did Bob listen? Because Bill had experienced
The end of the story? Bob resisted the hotel bar.
Bill won the battle against alcohol. Together, they formed Alcoholics Anonymous.
Today, in 140 countries, two million people attend AA meetings each week.
Two million people helping themselves by helping others. This vast movement may
have never gotten off the ground if Bill hadn't decided to fight his weakness by
helping another person with his weakness.
[Copyright January, 2004, Legacy
Educational Resources. Source - Bill W.: A Biography of Alcoholics
Anonymous Cofounder Bill Wilson, by Francis Hartigan (St. Martin's Press,
New York, March, 2000), p. 74-86]
From "The Lord of the Rings" - New illustrations about
writer JRR Tolkien and director Peter Jackson
The final installment of the "Lord of the Rings"trilogy has been called "the culmination of one of the most stunning
achievements in the history of film." While
your children and students have this trilogy fresh on their minds, why not teach
principles of life from the phenomenally successful director and original
author? I've devoted an entire Web page to these insights and am continuing to develop more materials for this page over
the Christmas break.
12/27/03 From current biography...
Teaching: Believing in the Kids on the Fringe
("Teaching Jim Carrey")
Lucy Dervaitis could have taught in an affluent
school district that offered all the educational extras and an abundance of
supportive parents. Instead, she chose a rough, poor district...(More...)
Jim Carrey Endures
How many of you know Jim Carrey, either from his
stand-up comedy or from his many successful films, including Dumb and Dumber,
Mask, Liar Liar or The Truman Show? You might think that
anyone as talented as Jim must had a great home background and went to a great
school with plenty of money to afford the best of training. Think again... (More...)
Passion Leads to Tenacity
Bethany Hamilton is a surfer. And not just a
casual surfer. She's committed. How do I know? First of all, she's spent enough
time on her board to become a top amateur surfer in Hawaii, headed toward the
pros. But I also know because of her attitude toward a surfing tragedy.
On the fateful day she woke up at 5:00 A.M. to
hit the waves with her best friend, Alana. After about 30 minutes of surfing,
she took a break, lying on her surfboard with her arm dangling into the water.
Suddenly a 15-foot Tiger Shark clamped down on her arm and began jerking her
around. When she saw the red water, she immediately knew that she'd lost her
She also lost half of her blood. She'd have lost
it all had her friend's father not taken a surf board leash and strapped it on
as a tourniquet.
People were amazed at her calm, both during and
after the event. Perhaps it had something to do with her world-view. In her own
"There's no time machine. I can't
change it. That was God's plan for my life, and I'm going to go with it."
Although she knows she may never be able to
compete again, she vows to continue surfing. Why? Listen carefully to her
"If I was like a person that just quit
surfing after this, I wouldn't be a real surfer," she said. "I'm
definitely going to get back in the water."
She hopes that she can be fitted with a
prosthetic arm so that she can continue surfing and playing the guitar.
Her attitude tells me something important about
resilience. She found something worth enduring setbacks for. She isn't a casual
surfer. She's passionate about surfing. Think again of her words, "If
I was like a person that just quit surfing after this, I wouldn't be a real
Sometimes our reactions to obstacles and
tragedies reveal our true convictions. Often we hear people say things like,
- "I'm not applying for another college.
One turned me down."
- "Guitar practice is too hard. It hurts my
- "Forget band. I don't like some of the
I've got to wonder if Bethany might tell each of
these: "Then you're not a real student. You're not a real guitarist. You're
not a real band member." If they were passionate about what they were
doing, they wouldn't give up so easily. (Written by Legacy Educational
Resources, Copyright 12/5/03. Source: "Shark attack doesn't deter surfer
girl," Detroit Free Press, November 24, 2003)
Discussion Questions
- What do you think Bethany meant when she said,
"If I was like a person that just quit surfing after this, I wouldn't be a
real surfer."
- Why do you think Bethany refuses to let this tragedy stop her from surfing?
- What can we learn from Bethany?
- What are some interests that you're really passionate about?
- How can we find areas of passion that are worth enduring for?
12/01/03 - Celebrate a Classmate
When high school teacher Charlie Abourjilie heard
about this activity, he had his doubts, deeming it too "fluffy." After
trying it, he was shocked at the impact and vowed to continue it for the rest of
his career. Here's how it works:
Write on the board, "Celebrate a
Classmate!" Explain that they are to write something positive about a
classmate - something nice, something they appreciate or something they admire.
Don't necessarily choose your best friend. Give them examples, such as "Dan
keeps us positive," "I like Ann's smile," "Steve's a deep
thinker," "Rachel's her own person," "Pete's so steady; he
never seems to get upset." "Beth's so friendly." Have them sign
their papers, but promise that you won't read their names aloud.
Finally, read the papers aloud in front of the
class. Charlie says it's one of, if not THE best thing he's ever done with his
class. Students are starved for compliments and some are visibly transformed
when they hear one from a classmate. The complimentors are sometimes stunned to
realize the power of encouragement.
But what about the students who don't get
complemented? Charlie solves this by repeating the celebration every three to
four weeks. If you keep track of who's not mentioned, you as the teacher can
write complements for those students to make sure they're mentioned the next
week. (Found in Promising Practices in Character Education, Edited by Ginny
Turner, Character Development Publishing, Chapel Hill, NC, pp. 115,116.)
(Find most lessons in "members" section)
- Two new lessons on "Respect for Others"
- In the Winter of 2008, we're averaging about two new
lessons per week. In December, we completed four lessons on Responsibility and
four lessons on Compassion. In January we're working on Perseverance and
- In November, 2007, we completed 5 lessons on "Honesty" for Grades
- We're working on an entire section on personal finance at . Includes book reviews, teaching hints, etc.
- Money: How to Make It, Save It, Invest It and
Enjoy It! We've completed a first draft, offer portions of it for use in the
members area and are developing a new, free section of the
site on personal money
- Nine Week Series on Success
- Finding a Vocation You Love (First three lessons
so far)
- Resilience (5th and 6th grades)
- Empathy (5th and 6th grades)
- Perseverance (5th and 6th grades)
- Authorities are People Too! (5th and 6th grades)
- Respect for Others (5th and 6th grades)
- Respect for Self (5th and 6th grades)
- Sharing #2
- Sharing #1
- Child Safety (under Self Reliance)
- Cheerfulness, Lesson 2
- Cheerfulness, Lesson 1
- Cooperation
- Loyalty
- Effort
- Peacemaking (Targeting k-2)
- Curiosity
- An Attitude of Gratitude (Targeting 1st/2nd
- Part 2 of "In Search of the Perfect
- Part 1 of "In Search of the Perfect
- Parts 2 and 3 of "Setting (and Keeping!) Your
- "Setting (and Keeping!) Your Standards"
- "Finding a Fulfilling Career"
- "Sex, Lies, and the Truth" (Part 2)
- "Sex, Lies, and the Truth" (Part 1)
- "Enjoying Singleness"
- "Getting to Know You: Is Dating the Only
- 9/11 Lesson/Resources (Articles Section)
- Honesty (Fifth Grade Version)
- Decision-Making
- Honesty (Teen Version)
- Agents of Change in a World of Conformists
(Loyalty, Patriotism)
- Getting Along With Your Leaders (Authority)
- Listening (Patience/Fairness)
- Conflict Resolution (Cooperation)
- Peer Pressure #2 (Courage)
- Peer Pressure #1 (Courage)
- Taming Your Tongue (Communication Skills)
- Choose Your Close Friends Carefully
- Treating Others as You Want to be Treated
- Time Management
- Asking Forgiveness
- Forgiving Others
- Setting Goals, (Four Lessons) (Find under
- Dress For Success (Find under